
Does not require any additional fertilizer

Low hygroscopic moisture

Strengthens the immune system of a plant

Reduces stress of transplanting

Stimulates plant growth 

Completely ready-to-use soil nutrient for cacti and succulents with a high content of vermicompost – a product of process of the breakdown of organic agricultural waste by earthworms. Suitable for yucca, cycas, agave, aloe, kalanchoe, young, stonecrop, jade, echeveria, gaster, ragwort, milkweed, faucaria, havotii, pineapple, sansevieria, jungle cactus, epiphyllym, ehinopsica, rebutia, saxifrage and others.


Ecological property - binding of heavy metals in soil and protection of plants from toxic effects. Relieves stress during transplantation and adverse climatic conditions, strengthens the immune system of the plant. The basis of this soil nutrient is clean Vermicompost, which contains a complete set of nutrients, macro- and microelements and growth-stimulating substances for plants in a balanced and accessible form, enriched with effective soil microorganisms. Vermicompost is rather hygroscopic and can therefore absorb excess moisture during watering and sis able to slowly release it while the soil is drying.


Acidity (pH): 6.4 - 6.6